Monday, February 23, 2009

The National Model African Union Conference website

Their website contains all sorts of valuable information. check it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Water Sustainability in Africa

Hey Hannah,
here are a few blabs I found online on water sustainability in Africa... Amidst talks of cholera and water wars, I really got interested in water resources and thought I look up some articles....
Water politics is a really tricky situation.. I know most articles seem to refer back to foreign aid and the MDGs, but the regional economic communities could be a source of financial support

and I like this one

Monday, February 16, 2009

FGM Link to Amnesty Report

as promised here's the report:


Report about Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf's Declaration on FGM Zero Tolerance Day

I've seen some articles stating that it was the anniversary of the Day so it's been around for a while, the exact year I haven't yet found.

Mozambique Consumer Institute

Here's an interesting article from the Alerts that is worth looking at closer:

Robert's Rules on You-Tube/Google Video

There are some video's of Robert's Rules of Procedure on You-Tube if anyone is looking for more sources.

Here's a link to one, but just Google it and you'll find more:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some other Documentaries

Liberia an Uncivil War: Lib-West- DVD 1763 You can also find clips on You-Yube

It's pretty good, but keep in mind that it's far from objective, and somewhat graphic.

Also, the other half of the story:

Liberia a fragile peace: Lib-West- DVD 1978